
Answer. Our site is user-friendly to choose the product from individual manufacturer page and choose the product and pay for the product. Once the purchase is made, the download link and the serial key for activation will be emailed promptly. We will attach the instruction and step by step guide for installation in the mail.
Answer. We accept Visa®, MasterCard®, Discover®, American Express®, Discover® Our servers encrypt all information submitted to them, so you can be confident that your credit card information will be kept safe and secure.
Answer. No. Enter your credit card number without any spaces or special characters. It should be entered as a continuous string of numbers..
Answer. Yes. For credit card verification you must enter your billing address exactly as it appears on your credit card statement.
Answer. Currently, we are selling the download versions only. You can expect the physical version at the earliest in our website. If you would like to order a physical CD, please contact our Sales team for assistance.